Wednesday, May 11, 2011

a foggy morning

yesterday morning our front yard looked like a scene from a creepy movie set...the fog burned off about an hour later, but it was just so pretty and still, I sat on the front steps and snapped some photos ...

to the bus stop we go!


early afternoon had me on a road trip to Vidalia...i took some pics while driving (lol, bad idea)

this is just a big old beautiful house..I think its' McLaine Farms...gorgeous!

the lake in front of this house has this awesome shooting spray...beautiful

i was trying to get a pic of this sign.  this is the prison farm.
it's very well kept, but along all the gates it says "guard line, do not cross"
don't ever want to break down here!!


j and emmy had their musical at school last night....
they both did an awesome job!

dark but this was the stage...

jacob was a goat and did the "pizza pie" song....

emma was a cow....she did the "milkshake" song!


i felt like i drove all day busy...picking kids up, dropping kids off...i went to the walmart late last night and saw some things that should NEVER come out in the light (lol) and vowed i was staying home today....well maybe, i do have to get new uniforms, but maybe we can do that tomorrow. 
got a list of projects to do today...and when the kids come home, we are going to swim for a while.  and maybe, just maybe, i'll cook some dinner tonight!!!



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