Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Four days and counting....

Ok, so I admit it.  I haven't starting wrapping anything yet.  Not one thing.  Oh my goodness, I'm baking more cookies yet today and my house is a bit of a tornado.  Kids are antsy and I can't seem to get anything done.  I need to clean, organize the presents and I've also got all the stuff in my head that i have to do with the house.  On a good note, the realtor visit went AWESOME! 
So my plan is to listen to a little LEADBELLY and rock out some Christmas wrapping as soon as I drop emmy off at school and put baby 1 and 2 to nap (hah)  Umm, also found another new CD I love at the library...Gillian Welch:  Revival.  Love it! 

do i really need to make another trip to the Christmas Tree Shoppe?  Maybe I can improvise with what I have here for packaging...although those salt boxed painted round boxes would be super to stash all the goodies in...little shredded paper and pack it all in.  No wrapping, no fuss.  I have one, maybe I'll pack it and see how it goes...ummm. 

Sam needs another video visit from Santa...Jacob was hilarious this morning watching his.....

Hope your holiday is filled with unexpected surprises!

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