Monday, June 27, 2011


Ain't he just a snugglekins? 

bucket of leftover coffee + muslin
what to do with this?
well, i've been reading (well more like pouring over) tons of french country/american country/recycled home  decorating books and I am literally drooling over the ton so ideas that i've found.  I had this muslin fabric
and decided I would coffee stain it, stamp it with some Valentine stamps I had from MemoryWorks.
I love how it turned out (see below)  Now, I'm thinking I may not even hem it and make it so formal, just sort of clip it on a pieceo f twine over the's going to be in our master bath and I'd like to make a shower curtain with the same effect...I'll post the finished reveal if I ever get this makeover done!


quick sweet treat for the kids...
bathroom cups...
add a vanilla wafer on bottom
spoon in some vanilla yogurt
to with cool whip topping
freeze for 30 minutes
peel back the paper and eat!
easy to helped make them
(that's miss emma spooning in the yogurt)

Nick used his super huge muscles to dig through this soil we call
Georgia clay!  Finally, finally!!!  My trees are in the ground!!
Hooray!  Now i just have to keep them watered!

are you loving sam?  Nice spongebob underwear he has going on there...hahahhahah!

Oldest and youngest boy.....


Jacob helped me out with painting this table i picked up at goodwill a few weeks ago.
the end result didn't quite turn out like i wanted so it's back to the drawing board with it.
patience...i have a vision in my head!

the crackle medium i used didn't c rackle the way i wanted it. 
not sure why.  oh well, we can sand and repaint!
I'll keep ya posted!

We have a busy day ahead of us today.  Mom in law and Mr. Jeff will be here next week.
Got some paining to finish around the house and a light to move in the dining room
that doesn't really want to be moved (lol)
Yardwork is done (well mostly) for the week
garden is weeded (well one of them is)
have some flower beds to get weed screen on and some mulch
and the list goes on and on and on!

Good reads from the library this week....
will share later!


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